Conjugation of forbear from [v.]
-forbear from
Iforbear from
youforbear from
heforbears from
weforbear from
youforbear from
theyforbear from
Iforbore from
youforbore from
heforbore from
weforbore from
youforbore from
theyforbore from
Iwillforbear from
youwillforbear from
hewillforbear from
wewillforbear from
youwillforbear from
theywillforbear from
Ihaveforborne from
youhaveforborne from
hehasforborne from
wehaveforborne from
youhaveforborne from
theyhaveforborne from
-forbearing from
-forborne from
Words with the same pattern :
bear out bear on bear the responsibility for bear off bear witness bear fruit bear the brunt of bear the expenses of bear away forbear from bear the cost of bear reference to bear down bear down on bear a grudge against bear the costs of bear in mind bear down upon bear up bear upon ... (21 mots)